Reinforcing my earlier comment on Barack Obama’s allergy to antithesis, here is Michael Lind claiming that Obama is, for practical purposes, an Eisenhower Republican. As for the so-called social issues, Allan Carlson, in The American Way, pointed out that the […]
Month: June 2011
No, Hal Lindsey did not discover the Book of Revelation
One of the blessings of being dragged across Europe frequently is that you learn that medieval and Renassance people did read their Bibles and use them in art work. Yes, they added things, like a whole biography of Mary and […]
What a Seemingly Innocuous Request But Such a Triumphal Statement
Why don’t the Muslims just buy the churches, if they want them? The Catholics need the money. Related: “Muslims in France Ask to Use Empty Churches” by Soeren Kern at Hudson New York