I was the old style of Religious Right, and I make no apologies, but I don’t consider myself to be a Christian Nationalist. This is, however, a distinction that is probably too subtle for the media to understand. I am […]
C.S. Lewis
Bringing Back the Great Commission?
Just the other day I was behind a car that had painted on its rear, “Smile! Jesus loves you!” I am not sure that the person who did that was really evangelizing, also known as obeying the Great Commission (Matthew […]
Book Notice: David Brooks, The Road to Character
David Brooks, in his recent book, The Road to Character, makes a distinction between two kinds of virtues and tells us we need to be more concerned about ‘legacy virtues’ and not just the ‘résumé virtues’ that give us success in […]
Pornographic Ideas?
In every society, even those that profess freedom of speech, there are ideas and images that are perceived as too corrupting to be expressed or uttered. We used to think this way about pornography. Now we think this about certain […]
Individual Responsibility in Ezekiel
The heresy of ‘critical theory’ has revived ideas of guilt inherited by, or inherent in, groups, such as genders, races, or economic classes. The Prophet Ezekiel has some choice things to say about all this. In our time there is […]
The Police and the Mental Health People
What is to be done about the police and the police culture? Some say ‘spend less money on them’. Some say what we used to call ‘integrate’. Some say ‘teach them to use nonviolent coercion, like mental health aides’. But […]
Merry Christmas [All Three of Them]
C.S. Lewis, in an essay called “What Christmas Means to Me,” declared that there are three Christmases that are celebrated simultaneously: the incarnation of God the Son in the person of Jesus Christ, the merrymaking around the solstice, and the […]
The Sin of Entitlement
Early in my Christian life I was struck by a fascinating quote in C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letter #21. On the sin of peevishness, he wrote, Men are not angered by mere misfortune but by misfortune conceived as injury. And […]
What Christian Reconstruction Gave Me
As everyone who investigates me online knows, in my 30s I was a Christian Reconstructionist. Part of the appeal of that to younger people in that era was the specific blueprints for society and personal action that seemed to fill […]
9/11, Ten Years Later
When the 9/11 attacks happened, ten years ago, we knew that we didn’t like it. But we in the Western World were forced to think about the delicate question of, if we were against this, what were we for? Were […]