Despite his weaknesses and economic errors, Ron Sider was a true believer, one who did not care about being ‘trendy’ or ‘cool’ or appealing to any establishment, whether the ‘woke’ establishment of our society or the bourgeois establishment of the […]
Renting as Borrowing
Increasingly, the renting of an apartment has become treated more and more like taking out a loan, as if to buy a house or something else. The same demands of ‘established credit’ are now made. And I have seen no […]
Does the Working Class Think It Can’t ‘Afford’ to Raise Their Children in a Christian Environment Any More?
In recent years we have heard how Christianity, and even Pentecostalism, seem to be losing their grip on the working classes, at least in white American communities. Robert Putnam, author of Bowling Alone, Charles Murray, who wrote Coming Apart, and […]
The Sin of Entitlement
Early in my Christian life I was struck by a fascinating quote in C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letter #21. On the sin of peevishness, he wrote, Men are not angered by mere misfortune but by misfortune conceived as injury. And […]
If We’re ‘Better Behaved’ Just Because We’re Affluent, God is Not Impressed
It is often believed that poorer people are worse behaved and therefore undesirable neighbors; and certainly enough, certain pathological behaviors are more common in the poor communities. This is used as an argument for zoning and government land use control […]
The Upper Middle Class Versus the 1%?
Matt Miller, Californian commentator, comments in his book The Tyranny of Dead Ideas that it probably will be the upper middle class, or ‘lower upper’ as he calls it, that will lead the opposition to the so called 1%, and […]
“Spoiled Rich Kids” and “Ghetto Gangsters”
Trustfunders like myself are accused of a lot. We are accused of being ‘spoiled’, whatever that is. Some of us take the route of a Paris Hilton, others of us follow the rather ostentatious simplicity of the so-called ‘trustafarian’. But […]
Does Mitt Romney Have Status Guilt?
I have here a transcript of the controversial Mitt Romney ‘47%’ speech to his donors in Boca Raton last May. It strikes me as a bit manipulative that Mother Jones waited three months to release it. Apart from a few […]
Issue of Hybridization between Philanthropy and Investment
Another approach by David Bornstein to the issue of hybridization between philanthropy and investment from my recent post Philanthropy and Investment: The Distinctions Begin to Blur. Related: “For Ambitious Nonprofits, Capital to Grow” by David Bornstein at
Philanthropy and Investment: The Distinctions Begin to Blur
I grew up believing that ‘philanthropy’ and ‘investment’ were two distinct things and not to be confused. They both serve the public, but in different ways; investment in business by [hopefully] producing worthy products at enough profit to make a […]