I fully agree with Jim Huffman of Lewis and Clark Law school that the ‘entitlements’ of Social Security and Medicare are not, in any moral sense, entitlements. That does not mean that I favor eliminating them. The problem with Social […]
Minimum Wages: A Modest Proposal
Ron Unz, generally considered a conservative but quirky, came out for a radical increase in the minimum wage here last year, not something you generally expect of conservatives, but then Ron Unz and his magazine, The American Conservative, generally take […]
Declining Birth and Marriage Rates Threaten Whom?
Jonathan Last says declining birth and marriage rates are “a threat to the right’s political survival”[?] More likely the left’s political survival; the right is making such babies as are being made, and all they have to do is educate […]
Why Social Conservatives are Still Needed
David Frum, who has written an e-book called While Romney Lost, says here that social conservatives [for which read Christians] are still useful, because they are the ones more likely to call attention to inequality and the declining living standard […]
There’s More to the World than America
I am not all that upset about the November election, for two reasons: 1. The church is growing so fast in Africa and China that it more than makes up for our losses in America and the West. I feel […]
Why I am not a Communitarian
A philosophy called ‘communitarianism’ has often been proposed recently as an alternative to the growing libertarianism of our time. This philosophy, they say, can combine social conservatism and economic moderation, as well as potentially reviving an emphasis on the local […]
Andres Duany: Living Small
In the same USA Today 30 years special in which Marc Andreessen gave his dire warning in my last post, Andres Duany, not a man of the left, talks about the urban future. Global warming will not be prevented, he […]
The D.C. Mistake
We have been warned both by Nate Silver and by the Washington Post that there is a possibility of an electoral tie with each side getting 269 electoral votes. How did we end up with that possibility? How did we end […]
Does Mitt Romney Have Status Guilt?
I have here a transcript of the controversial Mitt Romney ‘47%’ speech to his donors in Boca Raton last May. It strikes me as a bit manipulative that Mother Jones waited three months to release it. Apart from a few […]
Tea Party Advocates Big Government?
Because the quote I want to use is from a comment on Lisa Hymas’ post at Grist.org that is way down toward the bottom, and because I mainly want to respond to that comment, I will quote it here in […]