Dictators ain’t what they used to be, if they can’t put a stop to this!
Adding to my Swede jokes
To add to my collection of Swede jokes, and of Ethnic Jokes that Really Happened, I heard this story: A gentleman of Swedish ancestry was being interviewed for the post of provost at an evangelical college. He was asked, “So […]
I Couldn’t Resist . . .
Low Carb Fuel Standards? I shall have to check into this. Somebody needs to develop an automobile that will run on lentils, bacon, lean chicken breast, and smoked salmon. What impact that will have on the environment, I have no […]
If a picture beats a thousand words…
If a picture beats a thousand words, how come so many art commenters can get two thousand words out of every picture?
You Know You’ve Spent Too Much Time in Europe if…
1. You find it just as easy to think in terms of Celsius and kilometers as you do in Fahrenheit and miles. You hear it’s in the 20s outside and momentarily think, “Oh, good, I can go outside in T-shirt […]