Here is David Brooks defending the upper middle class American approach to parenting. He declares that Amy Chua sheltered her daughters from the kind of social interactions that teach us how to deal with people in the real world. In […]
Month: January 2011
Chinese Parenting, Part I: Why Chinese Mothers are Superior
This article is not only interesting for its own sake, but because it illustrates a cultural division that has been raging in mixed Asian-Anglo communities such as Irvine, California. There are not separate school systems, but there are “Asian” churches […]
Michael Brendan Dougherty says that the Fed has, under Bernanke, pursued an expansionist philosophy of letting asset prices rise and never trying to limit or deflate “bubbles.” This is a different one than it followed in the Paul Volcker era, […]
In a Rather Interesting Magazine Called “The American Conservative”
In a rather interesting magazine called The American Conservative, which is not conservative necessarily as we understand it in Orange County, but actually represents pacifist conservatives of all kinds (and yes there is such a thing as pacifist conservatives) Stephen […]
The Social Justice Opportunity of the Century
Much to the surprise of all of us, the new governor of California, Jerry Brown, has proposed shutting down all redevelopment agencies in the state. The reason for this is that a city (or probably a county, where a county […]
You Know You’ve Spent Too Much Time in Europe if…
1. You find it just as easy to think in terms of Celsius and kilometers as you do in Fahrenheit and miles. You hear it’s in the 20s outside and momentarily think, “Oh, good, I can go outside in T-shirt […]
Christians Creating Culture: Charles Schulz Did It
The last couple of nights I happened to watch two famous television specials on DVD: A Charlie Brown Christmas and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I pity any members of younger generations who have not seen them. Today people […]
There is apparently a shortage of sodium thiopental…
There is apparently a shortage of sodium thiopental, a drug mainly used to execute people. In a way, that is just as well. The death penalty is not a medical procedure, and should not be disguised as one. Gurneys, needles, […]
The Place of Sharia Law in a Free Society
There has been some controversy recently, because the Archbishop of Canterbury, no less, suggested that sharia law could in some ways be incorporated into the British law code. This suggestion created a certain amount of outrage; and in the last […]