Author’s note: I have not written in a while. Sorry for those of you who missed me. But now that the recent election is over, I will be doing some posts about it. The results of the 2024 election should […]
How to Reform the Electoral College
Many have suggested that it’s time to do away with the Electoral College. I’m concerned, however, about how that will work. So, I have some suggestions for making it more ‘democratic’. Since the problems of the year 2000, I have […]
Why I Am Not a ‘Christian Nationalist’
I was the old style of Religious Right, and I make no apologies, but I don’t consider myself to be a Christian Nationalist. This is, however, a distinction that is probably too subtle for the media to understand. I am […]
Bringing Back the Great Commission?
Just the other day I was behind a car that had painted on its rear, “Smile! Jesus loves you!” I am not sure that the person who did that was really evangelizing, also known as obeying the Great Commission (Matthew […]
The Link Between Sports and Democracy
There is a parallel between sports and democracy. Both depend on the ability to say, “You whipped me fair and square this round; just wait till next round.” And both, as we know them today, were English inventions. I have […]
The Years Everything Tipped
From 1405 to 1433, the Ming rulers of China sent ‘treasure fleets’ to Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, and as far as Mozambique. And then in 1434 the Portuguese reached Western Sahara, after which they went farther south every […]
Was It Early Medieval Catholic Family Law That Made the Western World Unique?
Joseph Henrich argues that the Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic world got its uniqueness from family codes imposed by the Church in the Early Middle Ages. The key parts of these codes were not restrictions on same-sex marriage or […]
What Being against ‘CRT’ and ‘Wokeness’ Should Not Mean
Those who want to fight against ‘CRT’ and ‘wokeness’ are doing a good thing. But it should not be an excuse for going back and whitewashing our history [pun sort of intended]. I admire the efforts of those on the […]
Hayward on ‘Extremism and Moderation’ in the GOP
The definition of ‘conservative’ or ‘right’ has changed greatly since the days of Goldwater, as Steven Hayward points out as far back as 2014. Steven Hayward was Larry Arnn’s right-hand man at Claremont Institute in the old days. Arnn moved […]
Timothy Snyder on the History Behind the Ukraine War
In his book, The Road to Unfreedom, Timothy Snyder intends to warn us about the threats to ‘freedom’ in America, Europe, and Russia. He reminds us that the war really started on February 24, 2014, not on February 24, 2022! […]