Does anyone air-commute from Phoenix to LA or OC? I”ll bet they do! Read: “The New Suburbs, a Plane Ride Away” by Nick Wingfield via
Maoist War Against India’s Criminalized Capitalism
Capitalism based on relationships with persons in the state who can dispense or withhold permissions or favors is crony capitalism. Capitalism with too weak a government or moral standards is gangster capitalism. Here’s an example of gangster capitalism justified by […]
New World Order
A sample of the new pessimism that transcends typical categories of right and left. Is Chinese fascism our future? In Response To: “New World Order” by Patrick J. Deneen at Front Porch Republic
Girls Beat Boys: And Some Reasons Why Everyone Has to Have a Job Now
A lot of the gap between genders can be blamed on the fact that technology has made a lot of jobs physically easier and mentally harder. Women are still on the average physically weaker, so now a lot more jobs […]
An Even Better Butts Solution
I have long been an advocate that smokers should carry a little bag, like dog walkers, to clean up after themselves. But I saw an even better idea on a comment thread recently. That, like with bottles and cans, a […]
When I am elected to the Board of Equalization…
When I am elected to the Board of Equalization, I will move my headquarters to Fresno. It is well located at the center of the state, and for reasons specified here it is the best place from which I can […]
Global Warming: If You Can’t Beat It, Join It.
This recent article in Reason Magazine by Ronald Bailey raises the issue of whether Global Warming is worse than the sort of society and government it would take to stop it. Actually, I think a more efficient way of dealing […]
Tax Auditors Keep Tabs on Bars by Imbibing…
I have never considered running for office, but I think I shall now consider running for the Board of Equalization. And I promise to anyone who votes for me that I will not delegate the important matter of liquor taxes […]
I Do Not Have to, and I Will Not, Choose Between Being “Morally Superior” and Being A “Robber”
I enjoyed Jonathan Chait’s review of two books about Ayn Rand’s world in a recent New Republic. I have not actually read the books reviewed, but I, and members of my family, have been at various times exposed to and […]
The Left Would Rather Bargain with the Redevelopment Monster
I had the fortune to discover a little piece written by one Alyssa Katz in American Prospect Online, after the Kelo decision. The AARP and the NAACP, not organizations of the right, had joined Cato and Reason, of libertarian leanings, […]