I have read Isabel Sawhill’s new book, Generation Unbound. In this, she tells us that she would encourage young people to be ‘planners’ rather than ‘drifters’ when it comes to relationships, marriage, and child bearing. [Among other implications of this, […]
Birth control
Declining Birth and Marriage Rates Threaten Whom?
Jonathan Last says declining birth and marriage rates are “a threat to the right’s political survival”[?] More likely the left’s political survival; the right is making such babies as are being made, and all they have to do is educate […]
Melinda’s Choice Crusade for Women: Breaking the Planned Parenthood Monopoly?
I read here that Melinda Gates has decided that ‘birth control’ and ‘family planning’ are important. On the one hand, I have a lot of concern about the ‘contraceptive culture’ and the impact of separating the way we make babies […]