Low Carb Fuel Standards? I shall have to check into this. Somebody needs to develop an automobile that will run on lentils, bacon, lean chicken breast, and smoked salmon. What impact that will have on the environment, I have no […]
Devil’s Punchbowl to Salvation Mountain, Part 3
After two nights we left the Abbey, but started out originally in what might appear to be the “wrong” direction, because we were headed up to Devil’s Punchbowl, a bowl of spectacular pink rocks wedged against the very foot of […]
San Miguel to Valyermo, Part 2
So we left San Miguel, initially on the same road that we had entered the town on, but then taking a different road toward Parkfield. The road ascended up a canyon that looked like the one we had descended, came […]
San Francisco to San Miguel, Part I
In the month of September, 2010, I had the privilege of going with some friends on a road trip the length of the San Andreas Fault, from San Francisco to the Salton Sea. September is not the most aesthetically beautiful […]
How To Talk About Abortion in California: Accentuate The Positive
I think it’s OK to be pro-life in California politics. I am not planning to run for office. The notorious Oscar Wilde is rumored to have said, “The problem with socialism is that it will take up too many evenings;” […]
Bakersfield Freeway
I think they ought to move Route 58 to Stockdale Highway and not Rosedale. Stockdale comes in where 58 meets 99, and it goes straight to the I-5. Rosedale, the current numbered route, takes a pronounced jog. Related: “Future Freeway […]
A $300 Idea That is Priceless
$300 for the house, and, here in California, $1,999,700 for the land it occupies. There’s the real problem. Related: “A $300 idea that is priceless” by The Economist
L.C.B. says Brown’s Redevelopment Plan is Illegal
I was tempted to say horrible things about Legislative Counsel, but if the money were to go into the cities’ regular budget instead of the redevelopment slush fund, I would have no problem with that. Related “Legislative counsel says Brown’s […]
Redevelopment and Housing
There is a lot of worry that getting rid of redevelopment will get rid of the one affordable housing program we seem to have in California. A quota of 20% of redevelopment land to be used for “affordable” housing was, […]
Will Riverside, Fresno, and Bakersfield Become Civilized?
Joel Kotkin and William Frey, in their article “The Third California,” speculate that as Coastal California prices itself out of the market, Inland California may become a more civilized and upscale region. In fact, the crash and the wave of foreclosures hit […]