I’m not surprised on the least. They already “friend” anyone who gives them more than $100 – more than that, if you do that, they will structure a whole social life for you. If I was lonely and single, that […]
Howard Ahmanson
A Theology of Earthquakes and Culture
After the Haiti earthquake, Pat Robertson declared that the earthquake was punishment for Haiti’s voodoo culture. How does he know? And is it any of his business? Pronouncements of this sort, I believe, fall into the category of “taking the […]
Native is Now Normal
I am of such an advanced age (let’s just say that my current age was a favorite number of the Babylonians!) that for me to announce that I was a native Californian was to claim something rather special and unusual. […]
Are “Big Corporations” People? And Can Everything Be Blamed on Them?
The recent decision that corporations and unions are free to make independent expenditures and public commentary on elections frightened a lot of people. It did not empower these organizations to contribute directly to campaigns in unlimited qualities, only to engage […]
Great Commission Utilitarianism
Darrow Miller of Disciple Nations Alliance (disciplenations.org) writes about Great Commission Utilitarianism. I frankly claim credit for coining the term, and the issue is certainly one of my passions, but he writes about it more effectively than I could. Document: […]
More on Healthcare: A Libertarian Speaks Well of the French System
Readers of the libertarian magazine Reason were shocked recently to find that one of the editors of that magazine, Matt Welch, has spoken highly of the French health care system. Mr. Welch is married to a French woman, and he […]
My Long Awaited Healthcare Post (In the Form of a Book Notice)
T. R. Reid, The Healing of America: a global quest for better, cheaper, and fairer health care. New York: The Penguin Press, 2009. T. R. Reid is a correspondent for the Washington Post and a commentator on National Public Radio. […]
I Saw This Poster at a Jewish Temple
I was amused when I saw this poster at a Jewish temple nearby. I have seen the rise of so-called Christian Contemporary Music, the counterattack by Gen Xers such as Mark Joseph who charged that Christian Contemporary Music was a […]
New Years Resolutions, Neuroscience, and What We Calvinists Knew All Along
Greetings, beloved fans, and welcome to the decade of the teens, and farewell to the decade of the “aughts.” Some of you are no doubt thinking about New Years’ resolutions. For some of you your resolutions, no doubt, have to […]
Why They Sometimes Call New Year’s Eve “Sylvester”
WHY THEY SOMETIMES CALL NEW YEAR’S EVE “SYLVESTER” If you go to a New Year’s Eve dinner or party in a continental European country – and for all I know, probably in Mexico and Latin America as well (I’ve never […]