Joseph Henrich argues that the Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic world got its uniqueness from family codes imposed by the Church in the Early Middle Ages. The key parts of these codes were not restrictions on same-sex marriage or […]
Church History
Don’t Blame the Boomers for Everything
Here I affirm that most of the serious structural changes in society associated with the Baby Boomer generation were, in fact, set in place by people far older. The Boomers, however, certainly took advantage of them! And we, on the […]
Saint Boniface’s Day and D-Day
Saint Boniface was born about 675 in Anglo-Saxon England. He was initially named Winfrid by his prosperous and respected family. At an early age he attended a monastery school, and as a young man he became a monk. The Pope […]
A ‘Protestant-ish’ Argument for Icons?
Is there an appropriate place for icons in the 21st Century Protestant Church? There’s nothing new about the debate regarding sacred images and iconography, but I’ve gained some recent insights on the subject. In chapter 13 of Diarmaid McCullough’s work, Christianity: […]