For years and years we have been fed with the story that orthodox Christianity and other conservative and demanding religions were primarily, though not exclusively, the domain of the less educated, and that the highly educated were inclined toward more […]
Living Like a Liberal
In this article Matt Labash explains how being liberal, or progressive, is becoming more than a political belief but a way of life – I would almost say a spirituality of sorts. The text, he says, is Justin Krebs” work […]
Respectable ‘conservatives’ are Becoming More Open to ‘Metropolitan Government’
The article in the Wall Street Journal shows us that some respectable ‘conservatives’ are becoming more open to ‘metropolitan government.’ I would actually not have a problem with this as long as the ‘metro’ government were a kind of super-county, […]
Proposition 14
I decided to vote for Proposition 14, which makes the general election a runoff between the two highest polling primary candidates even if they are in the same party. I decided that the effect of the proposition might be to […]
LA the Least Gentrified Major City?
Los Angeles has been “gentrified” and made more stable in many of its areas by immigrant settlement, but the phenomenon of Anglo gentrification by what used to be called “yuppies” or their more contemporary counteparts (most of the original “yuppies” […]
Now That Health Care Has Passed
In general, I think that the new health care bill is an improvement over the old order. I hope it is not repealed, but I’m sure that some adjustments will be necessary. Does this make America a more compassionate nation? […]
Political Partnership and the Prophet Jonah
In the course of my “annual” reading of the Bible I happened to come across the book of Jonah. This book has been spoiled for us by arguments about “did it really historically happen?” I take the position that it […]
Padding? Or Something Reality?
There was a recent discussion in the Wall Street Journal about why a flight from Los Angeles to New York, which takes six hours under ideal conditions, should be scheduled at seven hours. Some wonder whether this practice is ethical. […]
Where I’m Still Libertarian (With a couple of shameless plugs.)
Now that I have become a big government Democrat, I am farther removed from the Libertarians than I ever was before. But as a Christian, I could never be a philosophical Libertarian, much as I would have liked to be […]
The Surprising Fruit of 9/11
Today is the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on New York City. In the U.S., the event seemed to me to have an effect on the results of the 2004 election, but by the time of the 2008 election […]