And Republicans Were All So Pious About ‘Local Control’ . . .

And Republicans were all so pious about ‘local control.’  They don’t want local government to raise taxes or fees, but it seems to be OK with them – except for the ever-reliable Chris Norby – for local government to declare a ‘redevelopment area,’ freeze the taxes going to the county and the schools for the redevelopment slush fund, and [in some cases] throw ‘blighted’ businesses and tenants out of their property.  Go Darrell!!  What’s also to be said for his proposal is that this way people and businesses don’t have to move out of the state – just to a nearby town.  And that way they can stay in California.  Once again, Republicans are incomprehensible.

Related: “Darrell Steinberg Throws a Tax Pitch” by George Skelton at

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